Headaches & Migraines: A True Health Epidemic in Fruitland!

Headaches & Migraines: A True Health Epidemic in Fruitland!

Chiropractic Fruitland ID Headaches and Migraines

Are you or someone you know suffering from headaches? If so, you are not alone. In fact, statistics reveal that approximately 45 million Americans suffer from some type of headache on a regular basis, and upwards of 80% will suffer at least one episode of headache. Headaches are not selective and affect men, women, and children. It is also estimated that of the 45 million headache sufferers, 38 million of them will suffer from Migraine headaches, almost 4 million of which are chronic – equaling 15 or more days per month. What is probably the saddest statistic is that almost 50% of these folks have not been diagnosed. Please call your chiropractor in Fruitland to see how they can help relieve you from migraines and headaches.

There are different types of headaches, and they are one of the most common neurological conditions affecting our lives today. The category of headaches includes Tension-Type Headaches, Migraine Headaches, Cluster Headaches, and now what is being classified as “Medication Over-Use Headaches”, which are actually headaches that have become chronic from use/overuse of medications designed to treat headaches.

The Impact in Fruitland

What is really telling about these statistics staggering tolls taken on a person’s life be it, physically, emotionally, or financially? There is also a huge impact on the economics of work, production, and employment. According to one estimate, the cost to American businesses is between $5.6 Billion and $17.2 Billion per year due to missed work. Additionally, it is estimated that migraines are the reason for 36 million days of bed rest, plus 21.5 million days of restricted activity.

Sufferers know that there are a variety of “triggers” and aggravating factors for their headaches, but what they don’t know is that is usually not the cause of the problem. Likewise, typical medical treatments consist of both over-the-counter and prescription drugs. They often range from caffeine supplemented NSAIDs like Aspirin, Tylenol, and Ibuprofen. Persistent migraine headaches are usually treated with drugs like Imitrex or Depakote. If severe enough, many folks find themselves winding up in the ER waiting for a shot to control the intense pain, only to be sent away without a real solution. I cannot count how many times I have heard patients say something like “if I can get to it quick enough, it can sometimes be minimized or stopped!”. While medications can usually control the pain at the time of an attack, they generally lose effectiveness overtime unless the dosage is increased. That’s a difficult way to have to struggle through life.

An Underlying Cause

In our experience, underlying structural problems and un-diagnosed spinal ligament injuries in the neck or spine (see sample pictures below) can often be the primary condition, resulting in Tension Headaches and Migraines.

Precision Chiropractic offers a natural headache and migraine treatment option through gentle corrective care with the Gonstead System of spinal analysis and adjustments.

If what you have been doing hasn’t worked well, or worked at all, you owe it to yourself to find a better solution. If you or someone you know are tired of suffering from headaches or Migraines, give our office a call at (208) 452-6453, we are here to help.

Any way you slice it, this is a huge problem, and you don’t need to suffer unnecessarily!


2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:30pm

2:00pm - 5:00pm

9:00am - 12:30pm


Saturday & Sunday

Precision Chiropractic

1710 North Whitley Drive Suite C
Fruitland, ID 83619

(208) 452-6453